The Purpose of Sacrifice

The point of sacrifice:  To give up what could be today for what will be tomorrow.  Daily, keep the future you want to see in mind and let it drive your decisions and your actions.  Your future self thanks you.

#sacrifice  #goals  #goal-setting

Richness of Life

Today, I attended a homegoing celebration, also known as a funeral, for someone beloved.  He was my sister’s father, a guy I’ve known since before she was born, and someone who was genuine.  I’ve always loved the fact that he was forthright.  He loved deeply and could be a little gruff, but he never hesitated to be himself.  In doing so, his sincerity touched a lot of people, as evidenced by the remarks at the funeral.  I also found that he’d served on the trustee board at his church.  He truly was an involved and beloved person.  Doesn’t mean he was without his faults; it simply means that he used his time to love on people and to live with purpose.

A part of the program stated that you’d often find him reading the newspaper and listening to gospel music, loudly, which brought about a chuckle from many, to include myself.  I realized that he lived the advice to “be where you are.”  Further, because of the wonderful people I met or was reacquainted with today, I feel my life has been further enhanced because my path crossed his path 40 years ago and because of my sister, our paths have remained crossed.  As I reflect, I hold to the fact that we can choose to define the richness of life on so many factors other than money.  The quality of the people with whom we form and maintain relationships can help determine our emotional and mental wealth.  Let us strive to have our richness be to our benefit, and not to our detriment.  To reach the mountaintop and be alone or to be surrounded only by those who want something from you is an unenviable position.  Let’s strive to surround ourselves with quality people.  Not perfect people, for they don’t exist, but people who enrich our lives and leave us wanting to be a better version of our former selves.

Connect by Using Constructive Words

I read the devotional below in Pastor Rick Warren’s Daily Devotional and HAD to share.  It is so very on point!

Did you know that the words that come out of our mouths are like a tool? Sometimes they’re like a sledgehammer. We swing away without thinking and end up with a pile of relational rubble. Sometimes they’re like a saw, cutting people down. If we keep using these tools, inevitably our relationships are going to suffer.

One reason we aren’t constructive with our words is we don’t realize how powerful they are; yet, I bet you can still remember things people said to you in a thoughtless way as far back as grade school or college. That’s how powerful words are. They leave a lasting impact. So when it comes to your mouth, think of it as a power tool and be very careful with it.

Here’s how to build instead of destroying with your words —

Stop excusing — Stop saying, “I didn’t really mean to say that.” Realize that what you say impacts everyone around you.

Talk less — If it’s a power tool, you don’t have to use it as much. One of the reasons we get in trouble is we just talk too much sometimes.

Listen more — If I listen more, I can understand people’s needs.

Start building — Think first of all, “What do they need?” How can I use a word of encouragement to build them up? How can I use a word of challenge to make a difference in someone’s life? How can I use my words to build up the people I love the most?

Ephesians 4:29 (ASV):  “Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear.”


Suggestion Versus Requirement?

In life, we constantly have decisions to make:  What are we going to wear?  What are we going to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?  How will I prioritize my busy schedule?  Will I go to church this Sunday?  Will I go to that party on Saturday night?  I have an X amount of “blow” money.  Do I want to spend it on this or that or put it in my rainy day fund?  Hmmm…decisions, decisions, decisions.

At what point do we decide, of those things that could be suggestions, to turn them into requirements?  Is it working out, doing community service, being a better employee or a more committed business owner or both, paying tithes, giving back in some manner, going to school or going back to school?  What in your life is currently on your suggestion list that needs to move to your requirement list?  Ponder…and then progress towards your next S.M.A.R.T. goal.

#Choices  #Life  #Change


Dear Reader, Fellow Blogger, Friend,

This site will ask you to ponder, reflect, and freely express your thoughts on different subject matter.  Sure, most of my postings may fit into the categories on the left of the page, but since I love discussion across a spectrum of topics (not debate, there is a difference), only the future can be certain of that which will transfer from my mental cache to this blog site.  Hence, my decision to entitle this site, “My Therapy.”  So, please read, review, comment, enjoy.  Tootles!